
The Bryan Singer X-Men universe is coming to an end... The MCU will soon feature Thanos and the reality warping powers of the infinity gems... X-Men in the MCU!!

I know this won’t happen. I know Marvel and Disney and Fox don’t want to share.
Still fun to think about!

I nearly choked on my drink. Bravo!

I was laughing so loudly that it startled my daughter and she started to cry.

There is a certain level of “missing the forest for the trees” going on in the anti-GMO argument. The problem is not the GMOs technology itself, it’s the fact that they are controlled by multi-national cartels.


He’ll be the Director of SHIELD some day, you just watch.

Embarrassing past roles and you chose The Phantom of Opera? Charles Dance is the prison doctor/Ellen Ripley love interest in Alien 3:

I know him as Gaius Julius Caesar, from the Rome TV series.

He chose...poorly.

I prefer his role in Penelope to Elf.

To clarify, just because there is a system doesn’t mean the reader needs to be intimately aware of it. I haven’t delved that deeply into the Lord of the Rings lore, I’ve only read the initial trilogy and The Hobbit. Tolkien having a sophisticated system doesn’t surprise me, but from the reader’s perspective we only

I can't stop laughing at the "bop"! that was priceless. lol She was totally channeling Laurels beat em with a stick persona. I'm not surprised she did it or that it worked because no one would see her as a threat so she has that advantage.

Brandon Sanderson is the king of this. Planet-by-planet laws of magic, and underlying universal mystic physics. Determined fans have extrapolated certain aspects of magic through sheer consistency of these laws, and they have been confirmed by Sanderson. That is dedication right there.

I don’t think it’s true, but I would love to listen to just one flirty conversation between Ra’s al Ghul and Donna Smoak.

We need more involvement with scientists, religious groups, politicians, and media to hash through why this so important and why is this happening,”