
I won’t say I love it, but I do enjoy it given the extent it tries to follow the books

Somehow I couldn’t have loved it more. Lawd help me I loved this.

Well what else he is gonna say publicly?

Release movies at the same time into theaters, blu-ray, and on demand. Sometimes, I can’t find a babysitter, but would happily still pay $20 to see a movie at home on opening weekend.

Less happily, but as an alternative, offer the DVD/Blu-ray of a movie for sale in the movie theater lobby for folks with a ticket stub.

This is kind of a small fix, but since we’re going to keep re-making Spiderman, this guy has to play J Jonah Jameson in all of them.

holy sh-t that works. Submit to the New Yorker.

Then again, would he publically say “Oh god oh god this is gonna suck”?

So does that mean my planned “Dusty Home of the Cold Machine World’s Hungry Night” is out?

Did he suddenly become Irish?

Kind of, but ABC has ~7 dramas that are struggling more. And supposedly SHIELD picks up a ton in Live+whatever.

No, SHIELD is not struggling in the ratings.

I like the idea, but isn’t Agents of SHIELD struggling in the ratings? Do they think adding another show is going to boost that? Just seems a bit iffy to me.

+1 for batpeen

He calls it the Bat Hammer.

Man, I think Bruce is more of a “Man of Steel,” than Clark.

Color me cautiously optimistic.

Other people have mentioned them in the comments, and they’re easy to look up yourself. He got into a fight with Clooney on Three Kings, which included Russell head-butting Clooney and Clooney choking Russell.

“Hey Amy, I’ve got this new film I’m working on with, of course, Jennifer Lawrence, and I was just wondering....”

I would hope many anti-death penalty folks would be concerned with humane execution too, in places where they can’t prevent it from happening.

Waiting at the airport for a flight. There’s a line of about 10 people at the counter that were delayed from an earlier flight. Some dude pushes past the line and screams at the desk agent that, “(He) has to be on this flight! And it has to be first class!” Agent tells him that she can help him but he need to wait in