
I would hope many anti-death penalty folks would be concerned with humane execution too, in places where they can’t prevent it from happening.

Waiting at the airport for a flight. There’s a line of about 10 people at the counter that were delayed from an earlier flight. Some dude pushes past the line and screams at the desk agent that, “(He) has to be on this flight! And it has to be first class!” Agent tells him that she can help him but he need to wait in

I get that, and I figured the same thing, but also, like...make a phone call. Explain the reasons. Don’t make a list of demands in a formal, creepy email. Just be like “Aunt Ellen, I get it, you love buying the kid stuff, because its adorable, and he is adorable. We live in a two bedroom apartment though, so could you

I wish I had more stars to give you :(

Everyone in the past was a real fucking size queen, apparently.

I hope they can rinse all that santorum off of it.

It belongs in a museum!

Well, my kids took fencing lessons at a place called "FAP" for years. Seems to fit right in with this.

No problem. One thing to note is that everything I listed that I didn't specifically note as saying I haven't seen it has been dubbed, at least first seasons in the case of Log Horizon and Durarara!!.

Anything by Naoki Urasawa. It's just good story telling.

I tend to say "this series is widely considered to be among the best anime, and it's because X, Y, and Z. Give it a shot, watch an episode or two on netflix, I think there's a good chance you will enjoy it."

A few anime I would suggest would include the question: What are you into?

Ha, just saw that last night since Netflix finally got it. I would say that limited series and movies differ from anime series (where I find I'm disconnected in a big way). To the point where I'm feeling like I'm not the anime fan I thought I was. Its really hit and miss I think with ongoing series. With very few

I think a lot of the problem is some of the most trope'd elements of anime, which are now done as much as self-parody as anything, can be really annoying. The overly cute moe characters squealing "oni-chan!", the creepily perverted male protagonist, endless fan-service, the very cheesy sense of humor, all that can be

Hmhh, reminds me of the The Big Bang Theory paradox - people who aren't nerds don't understand them and think TBBT would be just a perfect sitcom for them.

It really kind of depends on what you're looking for, but I would put forth Summer Wars, Wolf Children, and Silver Spoon, as great starter anime. They are all relatively short (heck 2 of them are movies), have great stories that are a fair bit different than what folks are used to with western animation without going

Berserk, by Kentaro Miura. Very adult medieval fantasy, and absolutely brilliant if you can stomach the violence, the gore and the sex.

Women everywhere: