
I've met literary snobs and they wouldn't wipe their butts with Tarzan novels. They'd rather walk around with poop-stained underpants.

Hold your fuckin' horses. Literary snobs are fine with genre. We like our tragedies and historical novels, and we enjoy confessing to each other that Lovecraft and C.L. Moore are the best like no one ever thought of it before. We watch John Ford and King Hu. We triumpally discover things that mere fanpersons are

Maybe it's because Never Let Me Go took forever before dropping the sci-fi shoe. And by the time that has happened, the reviewers are too invested to backtrack. I would hypothesize that if David Mitchell has started Cloud Atlas with the sci-fi section, the average literary review might not have been as favorable.

ehh. I think this hangup about genre is partly generational and partly just writers being neurotic.


you're a fucking treasure

So? The film is not the book. The tones can be wildly divergent. As for the amulet, there's nothing nonsensical about it. Do you mean that it's a fantasy element? Sure it is. But it's also the culmination of Mrs F/Brisby's character arc and works perfectly in the film.

Don't you mean #FISTworldproblems? I'll see myself out (slams door).

I love both, but the film is undeniably superior.

I've gotten used to him in Castle. He was so young in Firefly.

As for Brent and myself. We approve

"From this am I to gather that females would prefer that female characters be made less sexually attractive? Practicality in design is laudable. Making attractive characters less attractive for no discernible reason is less laudable."

I think making characters less attractive is laudable. Would Jonah Hex be a better

The title of the song is Amazing Cat.

I like how the Siamese is chilling in the background, going "big shitty deal. I can do that with my eyes closed. I won't — I don't pander like this one does — but I sure as fuck could."

This is why I have a respect for these paleontologist. They are just stupid brave. To be able to upend a scientific field, (let alone certain religious sects) based on a single partial jawbone, takes amazing amounts of backbone.

Sooty mangabeys sound like a rough biker gang.

I think I'm good for this season. It's the season after that gets dodgy for me.

Yeah I'm in the same boat. Books come first for me.