
heh.. I realized probably a decade or two ago that when the Oscars came out, and I had only HEARD of maybe 1 or 2 films mentioned that I obviously was not a movie watcher. ;P

Be glad you have a small family. Movie outings for my clan start at $65 and that doesn't include the gas burned on the half hour to forty-five minute drive to get to the theatre and then back home.

I am to blame! I feel like I barely saw any movies this year compared to others. It just wasn't that exciting of year for movies. Some good movies but not like some years where I am at the theater every week.

Yep, Denver. I've lived in two of the three cities (Denver and Tulsa, OK) that had Casa Bonitas.

My wife worked at Casa Bonita in high school, and would confirm your assessment.

There was a vampire movie from the early 90's... terrible movie but the main thrust was that this special virgin was needed by the vampire king to rule the world essentially. The hero and the girl are trapped in a building for a while wondering how they will ever figure out how to defeat him. I'm 16 and screaming at

In the movie Dragonslayer, Mr. Perjorative has assaulted the nearby kingdom of Urland until they agree to offer it a young virgin girl every six months as a sacrifice, selected by a lottery, which Vermithrax and his brood then snack on.

My Bengal does that to whenever we get a nice dry snow which doesn't happen often in Seattle.

Heroes did exactly what I feared it would. It introduced too many characters, too much drama too fast. A fate that may hurt Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D.

I loved Fringe and the relationship between Peter and Walter the best. Walter broke the world over love and he was always trying to fix it after. That show just had so many moments that broke my heart.

That was because Brian Fuller wrote 'Company Man'. If they had kept him as a writer then I'm sure we'd probably still be watching Heroes.

Still a magic TV moment for eternity, no matter what haters say about the later show.

Mothers, Don't Let Your Sons Grow Up To Be Assholes

I'm confused. Parents are reviled because they don't discipline their kids. They're reviled if they punish them. (You can't spank them!)

One more for the haters:

Nova, on PBS, (you've heard of it?) did an entire episode on TM. This isn't clickbait. Christ, you people and the need to assign the latest label to shit.

"Mighty oaks from little acorns grow."

Poor Ziggy.

Needed George Clooney as no2