
you don't like Leonard Nimoy's "The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins"???

Black Mirror keeps being one of the best shows on TV over and over again.

I would shit out a watch of that.

I'm waiting for the fans to take 3 movies and cut out the unneccessary stuff (so most of it) out to make a single movie true to the book. Maybe then we can Bilbo's journey in a coherent way

Helena Bonham Carter is Mothrafucker.

In my day it was only a quarter. Inflation.

It's flawed, but beats the hell out of wrestling and D movies that SyFy have been foisting on us.

It's frustrating to see people criticizing all Muslims after a tragedy like this when just yesterday we had another shooting spree in the U.S. And so many before it. Yet they wouldn't possibly demand the U.S. government, NRA, Christians, etc. do something about what is clearly a national problem.

Wait, I just took a closer look at this post. Not trying to troll you with all of my replies, but why would you ever need to buy more than the 3 basic books? If a player really wants to use some option from a splat book, they can buy it themselves, otherwise really all you need are the rules, everything else can

If you prefer 3.5E, you'll like Pathfinder. Go for it! But at this point Pathfinder has tons and tons of splat books out there now, it would be way more expensive to invest in it than start fresh with 5E. Personally, and keep in mind this is just my own anecdotal experience, I think 5E is ideal for a group that hasn't

TSR? Man, what a blast from the past. TSR hasn't been around since it was acquired by Wizards of the Coast in 1997.

The problem is that D&D needs to be a viable economic ecosystem to survive, and they're not a small company. Technically speaking, I wouldn't mind them making an edition and focusing on campaign settings, race handbooks, alternate classes, etc. They've build all the books they need to for people to do their own thing.

This is exactly how I feel. I bought a whole bunch of 4E books and even paid for D&D Insider - which was an unholy mess. I think at the very least I may check out the "core" books here and then sit back and wait a few years to see what happens as the inevitable splats come out and the bloat begins. It's interesting

I came to this article for sole purpose of seeing a Pellegrino gif. You did not disappoint, friend.

What more do you need?

THAT'S what they believe Satan looks like? I thought Satan was the most beautiful angel before being cast out. He must have hit every branch of the ugly tree on his way down.