"Mighty oaks from little acorns grow."
In my day it was only a quarter. Inflation.
It's frustrating to see people criticizing all Muslims after a tragedy like this when just yesterday we had another shooting spree in the U.S. And so many before it. Yet they wouldn't possibly demand the U.S. government, NRA, Christians, etc. do something about what is clearly a national problem.
This is always the best, imo.
So gross, but so funny. Kind of reminds me of the movie "Waiting"
Oh man, I'm so ready. I'm so ready to illegally download this...um, I mean wait until it's released in the U.S. on Netflix, Tuesday night.
Brian Williams, is there anything you can do that we don't love?
Yep. I'm ok with this.
Bonus points for the excellent and vivid verb "waggle." I really can't imagine anything BUT a penis with that, honestly.
I was thinking that too. I don't usually (ever) listen to his show, but that was a very strong interview.
Good. Fuck him and his Bieber hair.
Yup. Service industry experience. We all know what's going down.
I've been out of the service industry for years, but my husband is - and has been - a manager at a five star gig for 15+ years. I can attest he fires people for this type of shit on the regular. Their shrinkage is maybe 20%/annum -