
I used to hate uncontrolled kids when I was a server. I used to work at a lowbrow Mexican food chain (although "trough" might be a better description). The kids racing around always gave me heart failure. There I was, with a tray of scalding hot dishware, enough to break a kid's neck, trying to avoid their game of

Of course Constantine's bisexuality isn't pivotal to his character. At the same time, neither is the straightness of 99% of straight characters out there. The problem here is that we're still assuming a default, and considering the alternative only if it "matters".

I worked in a restaurant in college that had a hot buffet, and that damn thing was a kid magnet. Toddlers would inevitably spot it and run right towards it hands out, ready to sear their palm on hot metal or get a tub of hot food on their head from tripping up a busperson who was replenishing it.

I hated parents like these! We had a server almost drop a fresh from the 650 &8451 oven double pepperoni pizza on a five year old who was running around not looking where he was going. The thing was basically covered in hot grease and the kid ran right into her, she dropped the pizza and just barely managed to

Poor guy. I HATE THESE STORIES. This woman has done harm to every actual rape victim struggling to come forward.

I'm pretty sure that's in the book.

I agree that if they had focused on Mr. Teatime's search for answers about the Doctor's connection to his mother's death while trying to connect with a group of friends would have been interesting. The problem is that RTD buried that premise under a pile of characters acting like idiots, plot contrivances, a villain

Don't worry when I get the Alzhimers they will all be new again to me as well.

Yay, you! Doctor Who isn't flawless by any measure (nothing is), but don't let the arse-faced assassins of joy catch you! :)


Only Brad Paisley is allowed to suck at a Brad Paisley concert!

I saw a pregnant woman at NY ComicCon last year who was Daenerys from the "stallion heart eating" scene. wish i'd taken a picture, she looked awesome! ^.^

I'm going to hear her deliver a keynote this August and I am so excited! I hope she's up to signing thousands of autographs....

The concept of using a pad with a belt baffled me for years. I think I read "Are You There God" approximately ten million times simply because of that.

What if you are polygamous and bisexual? You would have to have a wall with photos and string like The Wire just to keep track of who you are fucking.

I've tried the polygamy thing. Never again. Being with one person is exhausting enough. Though everyone should be free to decide that for themselves.

Truth. People always call it THE pill and I think that's a major source of confusion. One type of BC pill gave me horrible side effects, including weight gain, the second hormonal BC I tried (Nuvaring, so not technically in pill form) gave me mood swings, but no weight gain, and the third kind — that I've stuck with —

I've heard a lot of anecdotal evidence for this and experienced it myself, so I've asked various doctors over the years. What they're mostly saying is that no study has shown a statistically significant number of women to gain weight more while "on the pill" than not. But the problem with these studies is they don't

Same here. Fortunately, I've been lucky enough to have professors and advisors that are open and honest about the job market for academia. Even with a tenure track many professors in the "soft-sciences" are far from living comfortably...

As usual, Ghostbusters to the rescue: