
I really want a scene where Lourdes from Falling Skies explains how she went from super-religious Christian to alien cultist.

So white - except for the background characters. Y'know, for authenticity.

I poke you in the eye and this is how you respond. Your comment pleases me.

Is this taken from a Playboy article?

I also think she'd be perfect for The View.

What if you really suck at peeling hard boiled eggs without tearing the outer layer of the egg white to shreds?

No offence to gingers my once beloved was a ginger but the rarity makes em more exotic. But alas eveywere u go theres a ginger round....and my once crush Agent Olivia Dunhan had a ginger doppelganger....

Somebody needs a boob anatomy class. Also, he looks great while she, well... So sad, this is a great image apart from her weird boobs and outfit.

I always use molasses and white sugar, WAY cheaper and I don't have to worry about brown sugar turning into a rock!

This cat is a clowder in one cat

Grumpy Cat? I contemptuously eat Grumpy Cat's soul, and shit it into Hell's Litter Tray. And that's NOTHING compared to what I'm going to do to that Hello Kitty skank...

It's Fox - if it was good they would just air the episodes out of order and THEN cancel it. So this saves a step.

No! Not Gary!

What kind of savage world is this?

"Obesity, the single biggest reason for disqualifying new recruits, and other obstacles, such as poor educational attainment, led 90 retired military leaders in 2009 to form Mission: Readiness, a nonprofit aimed at raising awareness and seeking solutions. The group has lobbied state and federal officials to

Because for a lot of people, it is the only realistic way out of Crap Town USA or to pay for a college education.