
Well it is Disney Doctor Who...

lolwtf, that's not how u do the shocker.

years ago, I was working a Radio City event where Melanie Griffith was a presenter. she sweetly bummed a cigarette off me, and we both took a smoke break in the stairwell, while Kenny G. practiced on the landing below. it was easily one of my most surreal career moments.

In episode two of this season, Daario "gave" Dany 93 ships with about ten seconds of dialogue. Considering that Victarion is on his way to Dany with 93 ships in the books, I think that was a signal that Vicky has been cut from the show. They're adapting some long books now. Big cuts are inevitable.

This is why aliens don't talk to us!

So, still no Greyjoy brothers? Shouldn't Balon have had his big A Storm of Swords moment already and shouldn't we be meeting Euron, Aeron, and Victarion by now?

Yeah, I feel like the show has to go into this at some point if the books are to be followed and if a certain character is who most readers believe him to be. Using Bran's powers to look back and do some of this is a pretty good way to do it, I think.

Leave the good sea lord out of this.

Speaking of getting naked, why didn't Dany tell Missandei that she and Grey Worm can do things that don't involve his dick (or lack thereof)? USE YOUR MOUTHS, DUMMIES.

Friend of mine made this. ETA: whoops wasn't supposed to be a reply to you but imma leave it anyway.

I want Petyr/Sansa to turn into a terrifying power couple a la House of Cards.

Welcome to the Game, Ms. Stark.

If you watch closely, just before the fight, one of Oberyn's squires is 'wiping' the blade clean. I'm willing to bet he's also rubbing poison on the blade.


I just finished watching this episode. I am exhausted. I am an empty shell. There is no hope.

It's still not really answered yet by the books. There are spoilers if you'd like to Google Gregor Clegane.

All I could think of.

One thing to read it, another thing entirely to see a man get his skull caved in.

I knew it was coming and I'm still shaking.