

How is a hand made drawing a consumer act? Jarvis would have been all for that.

I guess I should consider myself lucky that I've never run across someone that feels the need to talk shit on mother's day. I have quite the opposite problem: everyone ever feels the need to publicly state how their mother IS THE BEST MOTHER EVER and could never do no wrong and the only reason they are who they are

The jar is massive. I'm pretty sure I can put my whole fist in it.

Oh god, yes! I feel like I should get this sermon tattooed somewhere on my body so I never forget it. Maybe I'll just bookmark it .

Even with it's flaws, which were not insignificant, I still really enjoyed watching this movie.

no Yoshi :(

Here is an example of a bad tattoo.

Yes follow me

That is just...spooky. Does that cat do it a lot?

Also, if you want to really really really read up on this and get the facts, this book is amazing. Highly recommended.

I actually like To Live more than the three on the list, but they are more cheerful.

How did they miss Battlefield Earth?

All due respect to the artist, those drawings are great! But isn't the reason we don't see more dragons like this that these simply aren't dragons anymore? They're monsters all right, but nobody that I know would spontaneously call this a dragon. For the same reason we wouldn't call a half-monkey-half-cow creature a

*puts on serious dragon science glasses*

Here is the boss at our house. If our other two (much younger) cats get too rowdy, she will run in & break it up. She even ran up & bopped our Momma Chihuahua on the head once, when one of her puppies yelped.

Surely if we're including fictional cats then Schrodinger's has to be mentioned too:

these two rule my world.