
Ohhh yeah it's that american channel where everyone looks like they are ripped out of modeling book?

The conventions in Birmingham each May are really good, but I know from my Scottish friends who come to them that they're a bugger to travel to.
I heard there was one being organised in Glasgow, but doesn't seem to be concrete yet...

Couldn't agree more on all points, especially your observation about the CW giving shows a chance to find their zen. If Firefly had started out on CW, we might still be watching new epsiodes. Likely the same could be said about Almost Human. Just two examples of shows that were shifted around and shown out of order,

Thank you! You just said what I basically wanted to say. I'm a female and love Supernatural. I, let me see, detest the shows that are aimed at us females. I want the dick and douchbag jokes, and guys beating the crap out of things. I've always been the same, hate shows that have school/college settings. They bore me.

It was a rifle.

"We should be using taxes to drone-conquer oil laden lands, and then give tax breaks to oil companies."



GOP is starting their bi-annual "make horrifically monstrous statements in public..."

April feinting on first meeting the turtles is one of the most landmark events in the Turtles story, shortly followed by her waking up in their HQ to see Splinter and freaking the crap out.

four human "bros" turned into turtles.. it's the only explanation for the more human look. Except for the "more human" part, their faces look like rabbits.

This can't be reposted enough times before the movie comes out...

And there we have the song of the night...

Jesus. They look like something a Kardashian robot threw up.

Men who can't get past two minutes just aren't trying(for the most part). Sex for men is like running. Most hit their "Wall" within the first 2-10 minutes of sex. You can learn to "break through your wall," it just takes effort and understanding what tells your body you are ready to climax. There are certain

Dude, it's a fucking crime to KEEP people from reading Sherman Alexie.

Smoke Signals! Love it. "Hey Victor"

I hope this increases sales of Sherman Alexie's books. He's a damned good writer.

I looooooove this book. I thought it was required reading for 9th graders nation wide? What is wrong with some people?