
Don't EVEN get me started, LOL.

Yeah, this show tends to rush big character turns, just like last year with Liber8 having a crazy civil war between Travis and Sonya, that gets resolved in five minutes. On the plus side, though, there's relatively little padding.

It may sound silly to say, considering the anti-historical shit the show pulls but, I cannot deal with the costumes. They make me SO. ANGRY.

It is a pride that live inside the Masai Mara National Reserve. It's not like this is just some unknown random lion.

well, clean up when you're done. and change those special undies.

You might consider antibiotics.

I was hoping for trashy greatness from Reign, and got total horseshit instead. I have no hope for this.

Jesus learns kung fu? I'd be in.

I'm a straight guy, but damned if I don't have the hugest man-crush every on him.

To be fair, the giant bear is canon. So are the giant boars.

While Merlyn had a thing with Moira, obviously, in the past... I'm not entirely sure he'd be too sad about her death. After all with her gone he's now Thea's only parent. And him working with Slade would make sense if he wanted her to know he's her father.... it could have been that Slade was never going to hurt Thea,

Whether or not human hunting would be an issue would depend on local attitudes, and possibly economy. A large portion of poaching is done by impoverished people whose best chance at getting good money is by hunting or capturing rare animals. But some governments are pretty good at enforcing those laws. If the animals

I'm mostly with you on this one, TB. So many species have died out simply because humans were dicks - they didn't "hunt" passenger pigeons, they massacred them for no good reason. For "fun", even though it was like shooting fish in a barrel, no challenge. In many cases like that, resurrecting an extinct species might

I just want them to bring back the Dodo.

This is why I play it safe and only drive a shark truck

The biggest problem with Wonder Woman movies seems to be the lack of good villains. Wonder Woman doesn't really have a very memorable Rogue's Gallery, making it hard to come up with a suitable antagonist.

"For me, it makes Jaime irredeemable now. "