
The last 3 episodes of Helix have gotten a little better, but it is still sub-par sci-fi. What the hell is with the shipping of Anna/Sergio? This guy KILLED Doreen! Does anyone remember Dorren? The only competent CDC member that was just doing her job. Please stop trying to make Anngio™ happen. No doubt Sergio is

I thought it would be this:

That high-waisted jeans trend you guys were talking about a few days ago can't come soon enough.

Different strokes for different folks. My primary partner prefers oral and fingers and stuff like that with me, but she prefers penetration from her other lover. For me getting a blow job is awesome and don't feel like PIV feels particularly better than getting head so it's no huge deal for me. I'm not against PIV but

That image is NSFW. I mean, some of us have allergies to shell fish.

I was hoping someone was going to say this. Plus they both have AMAZEBALLS soundtracks.

I feel like Singles is the more mature sibling of Reality Bites with the added bonus of dreamy, dorky Campbell Scott.

I've never seen this movie (I have no excuse for this) but this Troy guy sounds like the kind of shit boyfriend/hook-up that someone would post about in GroupThink and a bunch of us would try to carefully write sensitive replies with the subtext of "BUT SERIOUSLY, HE IS A DICK AND YOU CAN DO BETTER. OH MY GOD, WHAT

You bring up a good point about the technical part of it.

It's a red panda. But it definitely looks more racoonish than pandalike

There are more of them than you think. Even competitions primarily based on speed have judges.

I'd love to see your breakdown.

But Sotnikova's program was more difficult, packed with jumps and high-value technical elements. She did seven triple jumps, five in combination, to six for Kim, only of which were in combination.

Happy Friday!!!

I don't mind pubes, I think they make a woman look like a woman rather than a girl, but I'm not a fan of the whole stragglers-sticking-out-the-side look.