
Ya know, I kind of don’t hate it. Hmmm.....

It all suffers from “trying too hard.”

The issue isn’t just nominations. It’s that Hollywood is still so incredibly white-washed and hegemonic and (arguably) misogynistic. It’s a fucking joke. Start with that issue. Consider more non-whites for quality roles. Directors. Producers. Writers.

Well, then everyone in the world must follow your example. Thank you for setting forth all the rules to be followed in the future. :)

Lol.... You just keep on being non-prude then! In public. In front of your grandparents. At work in front of your boss. Because that means you’re a winner.

I’m still astounded that so so SOOO many people do not “GET” the whole BlackLivesMatter thing.

It’s not a gimmick. It’s a special edition. It’s okay for people of color to have a special edition. Nobody is trying to take anything away from you, or to tell you that you’re a bad white person.

We can share...

Insightful piece. These are things we should be sharing with male and female teens. And talking openly about it.

Now playing

Great Hells, this isn’t Napoleon Dynamite. This is Adam from GIRLS. Branch out, little padawans. I know GIRLS has vaginas in it, but yeah. It’s worth it to see Adam....

I’m down with it. I think the weakest elements might be the Hawk folks as they seemed very flat and uninteresting in the Flash/Arrow crossover. I hope that changes.

I think supporting role is more appropriate. For me, the setting and the circumstances have always been the main “star” of these films. When they tried to turn Thunderdome into an actor-centric piece, they failed.

No on the Force Awakens. Come on. It’s fun space opera. The same way The Mummy was fun adventure.

Go home, Lucas. You’re drunk.

I’ve tested a few of the VR headsets. The cardboard google VR was the worst. Very rickety. Got an immediate headache.

I literally fast forwarded through every single thing he said. And the program still sucked gigantic ass.

Rob :)

Oh FFS get a goddamned education