
I still do. It hurts my 80's teen crush heart!

When I went to L.A. to visit, I was standing there waiting for the valet. He came up, waiting for the valet. He totally adjusted his junk right there in daylight, then looked at me like, “What?”

Next time, put a disclaimer on this shit, because I just shot coffee out my nose at work, yo!


The issue for me is that they have really f***ed up with Agents of SHIELD and not allowing Coulson back in the films. Just a cameo. Something. Or any of the other leads from the T.V. series. Chances are, there’ll be no crossovers. Which is kind of a waste.

It needs to complete a lot of stories, imho, but they can do that in 13 episodes if they don’t frack around with stupid ass filler BS and focus on tying up storylines.

It actually IS good news that they’re getting 13 episodes. They came very close to getting none at all after last season. So... yeah... I’m pretty damn happy that the show will be allowed to wrap up storylines here. :)

They had to lay important groundwork here and yes, there are similarities, but A New Hope had a shitload of similarities with Phantom Menace. I see it as themes and family cycles repeating themselves.

Everyone knows it’s BS.

John Barrowman needs to be in all the shows. ALL OF THEM.

I’m wondering how many fans will still forego the HBO series. I kind of prefer reading the books first then comparing the adaptation, even though both are divering more and more. We’ll see. I might fold. I think we all have to make up our own minds.

I knew a girl who worked as a cheerleader on a pro football team. She was encouraged to keep a day job and got paid next to nothing. But also had to make a pretty rigorous practice schedule and keep on top of PR, events and whatnot. I honestly have no idea how she did it.

He totes has the red arm thing. So, he’s fine.

Here is my question, and it’s a logistic one:

Who the fuck greenlighted this?

Ahh, yes the press. When we don’t see enough drama between women of power, we evidently need it created for us.

ALL THREE THAT STILL LOVE CHRIS BROWN! Because they = All Jezebel readers.

I finally defriended a FB friend who would not stop posting pics of him as her profile pic (and went to every single one of his concerts when he came through her town). I just... don’tfuckinggetit.

If you didn’t like the first few then you won’t like the latter ones. Nobody is forcing you to read them. Forego them and stick with the series! Everyone has different tastes. :D