
Meh, doesn’t bother me. I won’t watch the show until it does come out. Just means that as the seasons of GoT gather and collect, the more I’ll get to binge later. :)

For a moment, I read John Barrowman. Then saw the mistake and went “meh.”

I hate it when it’s soggy and limp. The crispier, the better...

And apparently, they’ve learned enough about Islam to know that they don’t eat bacon... but the rest is too difficult to read, I’m guessing.

Wonder Woman’s new costume.

Meaning, most of Guns N’ Roses will show up, wait around for Axl Rose to do something, get boo’ed off the stage, and make headlines again for 15 minutes.

The prequels were not as good as IV-VI, no. But, enjoyed by a great many. I didn’t LOVE them, but I didn’t hate them either. There was a sort of dissonance for me when watching them. On one hand, it was interesting to see the galaxy, the Republic, everything as it once was: a bit shiny, a bit haughty, a

Born to shop!

Your ironic trolling delights me

First off, who is saying that these shirts are “offensive?”

Me too. I’m really stunned. I hope it’s not true, but if it is... holy shit.

I really know nothing about this series or the books, but the trailer looks cool!

OMG BUT it’s ALL FANTASY, YO! PEeps be too SJWPC CRAP and whatevs!

These people apparently don’t read marketing and PR studies. This type of pathos-ridden drivel is the least effective when it comes to getting people to enact change.

Great hells, the whiners. His HAIIIIRRR isn’t EXACTLY BLACCKKKK.

Um, no.

Jared Leto is like the crossfit of DC villains. He makes me want to kill my FB feed. Or my Io9.