
Rarely do over-tanners look good. A nice, healthy glow/tan/whatnot is great, but ugh. I’ve seen some folks take it way too far and it’s just cringe-worthy.

I wonder if it matters in swing-states (like Colorado). Lots of religious zealots in some areas and anti-vax/anti-science folks. The numbers might be wonky.

Am coming up empty of fucks. Anyone who invites me to stupid fuck-ass crap like, “My blingy nail, pampered check *party*” can politely go suck a giant one. Like, a gigantic dick. Same with my essential oil pyramid scheme friends who think that their sales will cure cancer and have weekly *parties* online for people to

I can’t reply or see my status on half of the sites. So... yeah.... yay for updating

I can’t even watch this show anymore. Does anyone ever get the chance to talk? Or is it just Joy shouting over everyone else? Because that shit is Jerry Springer OLD. No thanks.

Totally believe that’s a 5-year-old writing it. When my kid was 5, she could have written something like that in terms of physical ability. She’d need help with a lot of the words, but what parent of a Kindergartner or 1st grader hasn’t hear, “Mom, how do you spell ‘cemetary?’”

We can put her to work with the Republican party who wants to keep people out of our country no matter what. Instead of a wall, clone her and set them up shoulder-to-shoulder along the border.

Mr. Trashboat is shorter than me. It’s all good. But he also has a nice penis, so... there is that.

omg, I has the sadz

I find that scene so hot in Boys Don’t Cry. I have no idea why...

I know a man who identifies as a woman but because he’s married with kids, he says he can’t “come out.” His wife knows, but has stated that if he transitions, she divorce him. I sense that he’s waiting for the kids to graduate from high school before making that decision. Still, it’s a hard place for both. What do

I like some of my rejections more than I do some of my acceptances. My rejection from Ampersand was one of the best and most clever things I’ve ever read. :)

I worked at a fabulous “family” Mexican restaurant. What they didn’t know was that one of the managers had a scheduled “nooner” with an under-aged employee in the “Pinata room,” every day.

The last “date” I went on was with my now-husband (9 years ago). And he paid for dinner.. But, he argued that it was because HE was the one to ask me to THAT restaurant and next time I could pay. And I did. And he let me. And he bought the most expensive margarita on the menu and grinned at me.

We did fetal pigs. The whole thing. It wasn’t that bad. :)

Well, you know, what about all the men who are cheated because of judges and court hearings and child custody... maybe they need a free move too. (barfs)

Uhhh... wow.

I'm so glad I know where all the lesbians are now. Because lesbians are fucking badass and I want to play games with them.