
I think so! Yes!

Some are nice, but some look like herpes.

To be fair, he started with his shirt and by the time I saw him reach for the button on his jeans, I was like. “Nope nope nope nope...”

My mom freaked out when I told her I was playing, but I was 18, so whatevs. I actually sat down at the kitchen table one night and went through a character creation process right in front of her, so she could see the character sheet and recognize that it was all math and logic-based here.

Yeah, and the tension that arose when she failed a role or he actually put his foot down. The glares. The, “Well, maybe I am just doing a really bad job as a player...” passive aggressiveness.

I did not want to find out. I mean, WTF? First this guy shows me pictures of his NAKED FAMILY. (Some were in poses, like... against a tree, there is the whole family naked. And WHO was taking the pictures?)

Thanks for the reply! I don’t think the puppy “crowd” (in general) are racists or bigots or watch Fox News. No. But the loud, obnoxious ones that turn this type of rhetoric into a drinking game (e.g. take a shot, every time you see a puppy bring up “SJW” or “politically correct!”), seem to be the loudest. And the most

The thing is, MOST people I have played with ARE perfectly normal without the awkward “stereptypical geekshow” happening. (Not that geeks are bad, 99% are badass!) And my “magical” group consisted of a jock, one former cheerleader (from high school), an accountant and a PE teacher. Two were in college. And you’d never

Here are some of my questions:

As long as Big Jim’s dog lives, we’re good, Dome.

lol wtf!

Ewww! That’s just.. gross. :)

I once played with a Scott who was angry that I (a woman) was even playing. And proceeded to try and have my warrior raped because “It would totally have happened IRL back in medieval times.”

Most RPG players have had that magical group. You know the one: you stay up until 6am. You play for 15 hours straight. It’s awesome. Notes are flying. Secrets are being revealed. Crits are being rolled (or fumbles). Then, like many good things, it comes to an end. Your pals scatter to the four winds. Some stop

Of course they did. They still are towing the company line of it “being all about ethics in journalism.”

The person didn’t do it on purpose. She wanted to food hot “or else...” and the server made it hot.

It’s the first I’ve heard and seen of it. I work at a university, too, and have never seen it here. Maybe only on the douche-iest campuses nationwide?

Facial shrug