
Yeah, women being paraded through a town naked and being offered up to the public as rape-punishment happens all the time here. Thanks for helping us keep it real, brah.

I’m sure there is already a kickstarter campaign in place for when she starts to suffer financially.

Who the hell can put away one NORMAL-sized Chipotle burrito? Without having a 5-month old “food baby” in your gut?

One of my FB friends posts pictures of her kids’ lunches every day and they are the bento bullshit goo-goo ga ga crap (for a 4th grader and a 5th grader).

I love how these anti-vax fucks:

May they always have no room in the trash when they need to throw out an empty milk jug!

Every. Single.Time we’ve gone into a Hard Rock Cafe (doesn’t matter where it is, but Denver is the worst), we have had at least an hour wait. One time, 1.5 hours. As tables were seated and fed around us.

Does anyone else read stuff like this and just kind of go “Meh?”

Apparently it is a difficult concept to articulate when others attempt to manipulate the nominations based on a pre-ordained slate. In that case, yes, these assholes are nominating for everyone else.

From a pre-established list of what one small group of folks thought was everyone else’s idea of “a good nominee list.”

When you get a small group of peoples’ nominated works crammed down your throat, people are supposed to eat it up with a smile? Yeah, okay.

One side did not try to rig the election because of butthurt feelings.

Well please, by all means... send everyone a slate ballot and tell us all how to nominate. Because that isn’t at all shittty. Nobody likes thinking for themselves.

What’s fun is reading comment sections on media sites and doing the “puppy drinking game.”

They did disservice to people who were on their slate. Some of them might have been 100% worthy of the honor, but because these assholes decided to hijack the awards, they’ve pretty much tainted the careers of those they put on the slate. At least temporily. One can hope that:

They are taking to Twitter like the butthurt simpletons they are. And of course, it’s everyone else’s fault, especially the SJWs who are out to create culture wars and wars on Christmas and other lib shenanigans by making them read gay people stories.

The EPA fucked up, but it’s goddamned redneck ig’nant to ignore the fact that yes... these companies left a hazardous sitation behind. Get your mouth off Rush Lumbagh’s man-titty for more than a few seconds and put whatever minuscule critical thinking skills you have to use.

Yeah, I would have beaten the fuck out of that person. And probably gotten expelled. I lost my shit hard when people torture animals. Fuck that guy.

That’s exactly what I’m talking about. The Good Wife was on air for how many seasons before going to Amazon? 7 years? 8?