
Have a speculative story out there about having to live out full life sentences, even after you are reincarnated.

I’m stealing “Broheim,” just FYI.

That's why I said not 100% fit d00d!!!!

The girl LEGO sets seem to have easier assembly with fewer pieces too.

Now I know where the butthurt vitriol on Target’s FB announcement is coming from. The vacuous eddy of suck that is Fox News.

I’d like to add “political correctness” to this list, even if it’s not a 100% fit. We can redefined it as,”term used by angry manbaby MRAs to get back at the meanie SJWs when they start going on about human respect.”

No surprising. Isn’t this essentially the rabid puppy movement today? A bunch of butthurt white dudes? Glad we gathered enough of the right kind of SFF fans over the years—the ones who see the genres as a means to dream of the future.

Not exactly aliens, but should be.

Fuck yes to all of this.

Some of the scenes and monologues definitely felt over-indulgent. I think the important details got lost in there.

He had the pussy affluenza

I think boys would be even more afraid to enter “pink” aisles than girls are to enter “blue.” And I see parents and society constantly reinforcing this. Sadly. Until parents stop the, “RAR BUDDY YOU ARE TOUGH” act with the boys and the, “Awww, princess, so sowwwy you cut your leg and got a boo boo” shit with the

Fair point. But, removing the pink and blue is a start, imho. :)

I don’t even know what the fuck you are saying, other than... “WAHH WAHH... I have friends online who use terms and phrases like ‘SJW’ and ‘Political correctness’ and ‘culture war,’ and when I type that shit out, I finally feel like I have my GROWN UP underpants on!”

My daughter, who is now 8, had a really hard time going down the “blue aisle.” She LOVES Marvel and Minecraft and those things are always in the boy’s aisles. I remember telling her, “It’s okay, you can go down any aisle you want. Go on, I’ll meet you in the action figure aisle.”

Blue aisles and Pink aisles. Ugh, if those go away, I’ll be so damn happy.

True that. Unless he went ALL THE WAY for the team. Without realizing he’d help spawn some creepy alien hybrid savior baby.

The only thing I can think of is that he is faking it and has been the whole time just to infiltrate. But, I don’t think they’d go there.