
Dome wants the Spiderman remake.

WTF was that last season of American Horror Story? Carnivals just do not work, unless it’s Carnivale on HBO. Then it works. But gets cancelled.

I have to disagree with you about Big Jim. He is probably the only interesting thing on the show. And he has a DOG. I wouldn’t call him a hero, more like “the guy we need to just get all the icky things done that nobody else wants to do.”


People can turn their noses up at romance writers.

As someone who has a name that can be either male or female, I never let anyone know that I am a female until after a work has been accepted. Too late to change your minds then, assholes.

This writer needs his own book like the Ninja Hamburger guy.

Haha, me too. Posting fail on that one


Yeah, the end shooting was just not computing. Unless they magically go back and show the bad guy’s POV and he was down in the tunnels that whole time, just a few steps ahead. And even then.....

Instead off reboot, how about a continuation? Without that awful actress who played her daughter.

Shhhh. Let these assholes think they are getting the freshest of fresh fries and special bullshit when they try to life hack fast food joints.

Can you please punch Barbie in the nuts for me?

I got a sunburn this bad in my teens and it was one of the most painful experience in my entire life. Those poor poor kids. I hurt for weeks.

I think this is the guy who lives inside Walker’s butt.

Empire can suck it. We want her back on PoI

It’s funny how the Donald always resorts to middle school tactics when rebutting claims. “He’s just unattractive,” or “he is ugly and fat,” so his/her opinion means less.

I need the 500 days of Kristen to please fucking die. Just die.

I’m enjoying the season. It’s not the same as the first, but has many awesome reasons to watch. Namely Vaughn’s performance (which is pretty damn spot on).