
Indeed. This must get all the likes.

My 7-year-old daughter has one and it’s a girl. It’s always a girl. Packaging be damned.

That does make sense, actually.

My story isn’t that bad, I guess. Worked for a startup IT company that specialized in web design, web applications, and network IT services. In short, they offered to charge people $75/month to build their website (using drop/drag platforms like Weebly), boost their SEO, and market their business online.

Long distance relationship. I left the area to go to college for two years. Wrote me and explained how he took his boat from Maine to the UK as some sort of nautical spirit walk, and just had to find himself for three months. Oops, forgot to call or email.

I’m sorry, I don’t see enough white, male, Christian, “funnin and floozin” stories here. This oversight will be the mothership calling the assholes home.

I laughed out loud when I read that.

YAY! for Scientology having a strong presence!

It’s okay. Back in the 90’s I thought that Nirvana’s Teen Spirit line that goes, “Hellooo hellooo hello how low” was in fact: “meow meow meow meooowww.”

Not saying it’s okay to thrown a wet paper towel at a worker, but when a customer says, “this tray is wet,” you don’t tell them to dry it off themselves. You fuckin move your ass over there and dry it off.

I haven’t watched the episode yet, so I skipped some spoilery stuff. I’m watching it just to get resolution now. I feel like the show collapsed under one bad overplayed trope after another. How many times can Pope go off and do his “own thing” and question authority and be a general asshole, only to come back and do

I’ve already seen studies about “slacktivism” when people were doing the equal sign profile pics change. It’s only a matter of creating a research design, collecting data, content analysis and then running some numbers. Give it a year before the first academic journal publishes something. :)

He’s alive. He was obviously wearing a bulletproof vest in the first episode. So, I imagine the dude isn’t stupid. He’s not going into some guy’s freaky sex house w/o some armor.

Need Smooth McGroove soundtrack!

Ditto. And my desire to watch it is not that strong. Loved DS9, though...

Sounds like a guy I dated. Only he didn’t have FB pics or internet pics, but had been “engaged” to me for a year (long distance) and apparently engaged to another woman and fucking 8 or 9 on the side. All the while living with his “ex” who was the mother of his child.

It was amazing. Gives me chills still.

That sucks. Will they at least get to resolve it, or did it end on a cliffhanger?

Are you kidding? I was just about to start watching this a’la Netflix binge. I’ve heard it’s doing really well! Or not?

Could not agree more.