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One of the best scenes in any film, and James Horner made it even better.... (spoilers for GLORY)

Exactly what I was thinking

Here’s one thing they need to AVOID. Like the PLAGUE.

Yeah, I think about apartments in Manhattan and I think about a home the size of a shoebox with noisy neighbors and walls that smell like patchouli.

Yeah, most of those associated with the Red God have been pretty asshole-like in nature. I almost think there are three factions here:

That would be awesome about the drowned men!

Wow, this is spot on. You re right. You ARE stealing from the many-faced god in both ways. Hmmmm.....

you know, that’s an interesting theory. Or, perhaps they are from the children but were left out in the long night to die and had to make a “deal” with someone to survive. I like the idea of them being wronged somehow. We honestly have no idea what they want at this point. They could see things quite differently.

Wow, awesome post here. I love mulling this stuff over.

Although, is Stannis actually dead? He keeps looking off to the side while he’s talking to Brienne, as if somebody might be coming up behind her. And we don’t see him die — she swings her sword, but we don’t see it connect. It’s just barely possible someone stops her, or she opts for mercy at the last moment. (But

How did Siobhan get involved with Project Leda? I'm wondering if those involved with the project opted to keep her close and therefore took pains to plot a bit of her life course.

You go!

Holy shit, are you kidding me?

They throw their juice cups across the room over anything that smells of non-white man-ness. Like, a full fledged toddler Walmart tantrum. Because any non-white, non-male, non-heterosexual, non-Christian SFF writer who gets any success only gets there because of affirmative action and SJW shenanigans.

I can live with that.

I tried so hard to make it over the top, too, and realized it was likely all true.. And just went with it.

I wonder how many sad/rabid puppy dickholes shit their pants upon reading this. Then ran to the bathroom to change their shorts and rage barfed into a KKK-decorated toilet. And called the gamergate militia to organize a protest against the fear that Obama is going to pee gasoline fire on all the gun shops with his SJW

One more for the clown car...

Searching for shits to give....