
As an SJW myself, that sounds like the dumbfuckiest thing I have ever heard. Is this what right winger MRA meninists tell each other the left is like? because I don’t know a single liberal who wouldn’t laugh out loud at that bullshit.

Absolutely! :D

First, can we drop the Major hate? It’s kind of the “stock” thing to do. Him wasting zombies at the end made me cheer. I can’t wait to see what happens next season.

Yeah, I’m kind of getting sick of it, to be honest. Here is a character who is doing the best he can with the information he gets/doesn’t get. People need to back off. Him wasting those zombies was one of the highlights of the entire first season.

Off-Topic: I new a girl once who was a “model” for a MTG card. I met her at some small-time gaming con where only 75 people showed up. She wore this awful faerie outfit that looked dirty and slightly soiled. Looked like she had been doing meth a while. She spent an hour talking about “this one time, during a D&D game,

Just block letters, of course! because that’s so fresh now.

Will Smith’s kids slouching over with their arms crossed, spouting off things like, “TOTES!”

Great hells, people. Could some of you pick images that look any more like barf on a plate?

Uhhh. No

I don't even know wtf I'm looking at

Agree. Stannis feeling “bad” about it doesn't matter to me. Fuck him. He killed what is the only innocent left in this word.

I used to root for Stannis, but this is too far. Fuck him and the stag he rode in on.

You wrote: “Goblin Emperor? Ok worldbuilding on one level, but if your main character should be chewed up by that world and isn’t, you’ve got a fatal flaw.”

Guz those gurls can’t fuggin write! TOTES, MAN! We need Zach Snyder to show these CHICKES UP. BITCHES BE CRAZY!

It’s amazing the amount of whining I’m seeing. The same bitchy meninist MRA dickweeds throwing impressive and stunning tantrums akin to a toddler pissing himself and throwing a juice cup across the room.

And then he went to work on the Dark Knight, didn’t he? Seems crazy weird to do to your body.

Ceiling fans are good at one thing: blowing around 100 degree air.


You know that little farm boy shit is gonna ice him, too.

I think this is at the absolute heart of this. I get that some of the videos “seem” funny, like, a bratty guy sits at home all day and dad shoots his Xbox and posts the video. But, in the end, the old proverb does well, imho: praise in public, punish in private. There is no reason to humiliate a child to that extent.