
Screw these assholes for leaving Nick Fury out. And the fact that I haven’t seen Agent Coulson in a Marvel film in a long ass time pisses me off too.

You’re never ever going to get your wish on this. Sorry.

Yeah, I was conflicted about referring to him as a villain, but he does give a villainous performance. I think he’s more an anti-hero, but whatever!

Yeah, but George didn’t have Wu. So Al wins.

Goddamned Lee Pace. I just love him.

<3 <3 <3

Here’s one idea, networks. STOP WITH THE FUCKING HIATUSES UPON HIATUSES. Whoever came up with the idea for all shows to have a mid season “finale” before the mid season “break” needs to fuck right the hell off and maybe punch themselves in the junk a few times for good measure.

You know what? fuck this. I work with people I cannot stand—including a misogynistic asshole and a girl who dresses in cutesie anime outfits that border on cosplay while talking in an ultra precious “tee hee” voice all the time. If I can deal with this shit-on-a-cracker, then these ladies can suck it the hell up.

I think henchmen and contracted “employees” of villains are pretty much the laughing stock of the trope world. No villain ever pays a hit man. The hit man does the job then gets offed to “clean up loose ends.”

Summers off. And “easy hours.”

Autolycus. King of Thieves! (From Hercules and Xena—old school!)

My kid is the fart master. I’m going to read her this letter and warn her that her fart smells might become illegal.

He was the MASTA

Oh yes

Gives me insomnia, too. :)

I have an autoimmune disease that my Rheumatologist said might have been triggered by ibuprofen use. I used to use it for toothaches especially. Can’t anymore. :(

Who them fuck are these assholes? I mean, seriously?

Takes a big man to marry a 17-year-old girl who doesn’t want him.