
I don’t even know what this season was about.

I’m sorry, don’t you have an SJW to hang on some racist, MRA website?

Serious question: Who is the bigger douchebag? This guy or John Mayer?

I did too. I’m not a documentary connoisseur, so I had to piece that out. Wish they could just write, “Documentary” for us lame folks. :)

Why do they always look that way?

Yeah, when I get pregnant from rape (which happens a lot because I wear short skirts and walk alone at night so I am asking for that shit) I love to wait for 20 months on purpose just so I can change my mind. Because nothing is more fun than having a procedure like that.

Have we seen Theon raped? Or Tyrion? On screen?

Does John Mayer not know that he's the world's biggest douchebag?

The comments on Facebook are (as always) a cesspool of assery.

When did they ever go away? I’ve seen girl buttcrack since 1995.

It feels like the go-to thing for writers to break a female character down (same as it is the go-to “thing” to give a female warrior type who kicks ass a small child to look after over the course of the story to show that she is capable of “female” things like nurturing: e.g. see Elektra, the awful movie).

There was no possible way for this to end differently the moment Littlefinger trotted Sansa into Winterfell. Ramsay, the guy who cuts appendages off, hunts women for sport, and considers all human beings sacks of meat to torture for his pleasure? He’s supposed to “go easy” on his bride?

Just give it up. You're trying too hard for scraps of emo nothin

That totes makes it non-exploitative because Jeyne Poole had to fuck dogs and Sansa was only brutalized. Again. Gotcha.

So, it seems like they have crammed a whole book full of Reek reclaiming his identity (ADWD) into an episode or two. That’s one way to speed up a storyline.

Best comment ever

Great fuck, it is exactly like SNL’s Black Widow parody, lolz!

And when she does die and become an angel, she gives it all up to save someone else. Very good example, IMHO.

So I should be okay with it, too? Bitch, please....

Yeah or the responses that say, “nudity, so what? Naked bodies aren’t sexual ALL the time. Nudity is natural.... Blah blah...”