

yeah, I think that was their way of keeping to the original idea, without admitting it was the same as “purgatory” so they could win some fabricated competition of “guess the plot” with the fans.

I read somewhere that the original idea was that they were all in purgatory, but because the fans latched on to that theory, the writers were like, “Oh shit, we gotta change it now.” Which sucks. So what if the fans guess this shit? Good narrative isn’t always about SURPRISE! OMG I TOTALLY TRICKED YOU.

You know, IUDs are not the magical fucking cure for unwanted pregnancy for every single woman and it’s getting a bit old to hear this mantra over and over again.

I find this is true for anyone who announces they have a chronic condition. I have an autoimmune disorder and boy.. Everyone else knows just how to fix this thing that took seven years for a doctor to diagnose.

I’ve put up with a lot from Supernatural. Forgiven a lot. This is just . . . pathetic.

It’s too easy. I’m not challenged in the slightest. I’m not even really sure what the point is anymore.

I think deification really is the perfect term here. I never got it. I was right THERE in the middle of the 90’s grunge scene and yeah, I enjoyed the music. But shit, I didn’t have the soul-crushing, fist-shaking, “Why god, WHY!?” experience that some of my friends had.

It’s moments like that make me wonder if the Machine has a special fondness for particular members of the team. :)

I’m going to put you in a dark hole. And the last thing you’ll hear is the sound of my voice saying, “This is where you belong.”

Ooo, good idea!

Can they get another female character to act like a complete stereotypical hysterical whiny mess?

Definitely down with those explanations.

My feels just broke! After watching this!

I agree. What’s fucked up is that if these guys were caught by police, I imagine they’d be considered “sex offenders” for the rest of their lives if convicted of some lame shit.

Let me pay so I can watch commercials. Yeah, fuck off Hulu


Tell me they do not do that shit in Age of Ultron... I haven't seen it yet!