

While I think we can laud people who opt for this surgery when they were confirmed to have carried the gene—how many women simply do not have this option due to financial restraints? Genetic testing isn't cheap. And, let's say that you do have means to get the test, can you afford the surgery? Is it elective or

I want to go to the gay gym. Gay men are hot. And they won't fuck with your workout.

Please tell me where all the panties are coming from.

He is a fuckin' troll master. Do not even...

YEAH, bitches. It's so hard to be the jealouses, amIRITE? Like, put on more makeup when you work out, ho. I wouldn't go to the gym all sweaty and shit like these lame feminoTORIOUS Man-haters, bra. I got the heelz! I gots the nailz! I gots the hair all done up while I get my work-out on and I get the boyz all

I know. I get so motherfuckingjealous when the boys don't come over to talk to me while I'm trying to Cory Everson my way into muscle-topia. I just can't concentrate when I don't get the pick ups and the dudes in their 80's short shorts trying to correct my form. I DO NOT EVEN KNOW WHERE I WOULD BE WITHOUT THE BOYS.


I think there has to be a balance between what is acceptable between two people in a relationship and what is reasonable.

When I asked him for directions to a restaurant we planned on visiting, he told me to check his laptop while he took a shower he left his email up and I saw an email that read: "I think I love you too." Below that, a Priceline itinerary to visit a woman who lived in Missouri.

As long as women remain the default parent in most families, this really won't change. Mothers are just expected to carry most of the burden. Fathers can say thousands of times, "Just ASK me for help," but the fact is, most of these fathers, they never NEED to ask for help. Because it's just a given that the mother

That bug that spread like the plague was studied by the CDC and other government research organizations. They wanted to see how pandemics in "real life" might behave and spread.

Yep, I'm old.

Does anyone here actually believe that the show wasn't always this way? Joan Rivers said some amazingly racist, sexist, and shitty things. I mean, stuff that everyone on the show was shocked about, but laughed at (uncomfortable laughing most of the time).

She had cancer and they did a reality show that involved that. I honestly don't think this is the norm for Guliana. But, yeah, she kinda messed up here.

I can go with that theory. It just seems convenient that everyne is throwing Guliana under the bus.

I love makeup. I have rosacea so my face is often red and I have to wear a good foundation. It would be nice to have that natural beauty, but no. Not me. Maybe they'll do an article on Jezebel where women who love makeup show people WHY they love it so much and what it does for them.

Because Naomi Campbell isn't a sack of volatile hellcats waiting to be tossed into a hot, molten river of entitlement....

BIRTH CONTROL IS FOR WHORES! They will eat the birth controls and go be sluts! MY RELIGION DOESN'T LIKE SLUTS! MY RELIGION! MY CHRISTIAN NATION! NO ABORTION PILLS for the girls! Aborting babies with their candy PILLS! PRECIOUSSSSSSSS!!!

Lol what assholes. Next time these dickmonkeys start in on you, just make a new thread with the reply so more people can mock them. And laugh. And mock them some more.