
The way this show is going, I'm thinking that the skeletal "origin" is not Cole. That's too easy, imho. But, one never knows. I'm more inclined to believe this is another time traveler. Then again, I'm wondering how the paradox works. Cassie's watch caused some issues when brought together—this was non-organic

My best friend and I had a prank phone call addiction in junior high (back in the 80's when nobody had called ID). We were the most plain, unassuming, invisible girls in the school, but when we went to my house after last period, we would call bullies and threaten them.


Here's the thing....

just replace Jennifer Weiner's name (or any pronouns pertaining to her) with "my weiner" and this becomes a fabulous interview.

Can I just say that SUPER-surprise or "over the top" proposals are utter bullshit and ask that men and women avoid these. Please.

As a woman, I find her utterly gorgeous. It's more than her appearance, though. She just exudes class and sexiness.

Nice! I need to rewatch Nikita. I love seeing good actors in other roles.

I love this!

"Streaming Stick." Is this RedTube or Kinja?

"Streaming Stick." Is this RedTube or Kinja?

So a man controlling a woman physically and emotionally is a love story? Thanks, E.L. James for telling me that the man who wanted to control my every move against my wishes, isolated me from friends and family, pressured me to engage in sexual acts I was not comfortable with (and when I said "no," he punished me)

We liiiike

That is the question, isn't it.

Is it uncomfortable for guys to wear this stuff? Like, how do they tuck stuff in? Or do they kind of fluff it up to make a nice round bump in the front.

Anyone remember where the Green Slime from Nickelodeon came from?

Hot in a metrosexual way. If you will allow me to clarify. More "pretty" actually. Hot, but definitely not my type.

Because it's a story you can really get behind.