
It's tragic . . . In a Shakespearean way... And beautiful! I miss Walter.

Huge loss on their part. The writing was epic suck after season 1.

Also, I wonder where Stargate Universe's "Epilogue" might fit into this.

I loved that Fringe episode. God, this makes me miss the show so so much!

The same thing happened to me. My mother died this year and this "year in review" which I can't dismiss, is unwanted. I sent a message. I also sent a message a few months ago when my mother's name was used in an advertisement.

Can this Ariana person please just fuck off? Or, perhaps, the media's coverage of her?

I'm so so so sorry for single peeps having to navigate this realm of doucheyness. I did some online dating back in the early 2000's. The worst I got was a dude who kept me at Bennegins until closing, ordering one drink after another for me (unaware that I told the waitress in secret to just keep bringing me club

still not as good as the cat. Grump grump

nope, still a bad review

The one thing they don't tell you when you entrta the Writers of the Future contest is the massive amounts of crap-mail and sales announcements you get. I wonder if peeps in Scientology are inundated with the same type of sales spam.

YA Dystopian:

sorry. we ran out of "I can breathe" T shirts.

Excuse me while I go vomit on something.

Now, if that song was really in it... It would be full of win

As someone who was taken advantage of as a teen, I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, he's an awful man who did horrible, unforgivable things to children. On the other hand, hearing him admit that he did molest three girls . . . it makes me wonder if his victims have any sense of satisfaction that he came

Mmmmmm, Christmas DAY... yes.

The animated story parts, yes. The songs can fuck off and die.