
Judith Curry who is the most "debunked scientist" on the internet at the moment? That Judith Curry?

I had a Christian friend tell me that he was all for being more mindful of how we treat the planet because he essentially thought of himself (a Christian) as keepers of the Earth and that he is charged with taking care of it. I always found this interesting that he has this belief, but that other Christians find a

Can I ask an honest question? Why are people on the conservative right so vehemently against the acceptance of global warming? Why isn't this more of a "human" issue instead of a right/left issue?

Awesome points. I agree about Damon's super speed. But, I Feel like they need Bonnie in there for a reason and simply executed that plan very poorly. I wonder where others are? Like Katharine....

I wish they would let Bonnie be badass like the witches in The Originals. That said, she probably heard creepy douche-bag guy tell Damon that he's died before (after trying to kill himself multiple times). And knows she'll come back as well in purgatory land. And she'll find a way out eventually.

I'm GOING to do a content analysis on the dialogue.

This show continues to surprise the holy Eff out of me. People who think they're getting "ye olde teenie angsty angst CW show" are mistaken. Kind of. I mean, it's the CW. You have teens who get mopey and broody and do stuff like kiss and make out and get jealous and crap. But, this show has a lot of really

Fox News Defends Street Harassment As "Nothing Disrespectful"

Goddammit I love her. I cannot help it. Lord save me.

I like Cisco's naming of the meta humans. I do not read comics, so I get a kick out of it and it helps me remember.

It would probably make me uncomfortable unless I know you or unless I was at a bar or a party or a hyper social gathering where you will talk to all kinds of people you might not know. In that situation, I think the compliment is fine. (Speaking for myself here). I've made compliments to men in those situations: e.g

nope, still not getting it

When is it okay to do this to a man walking down the street? And how many times do men hear, "hey honey, smile?"

Wow, he has somd nice eyelashes

evolution is definitely going the wrong way.... These asswipes are proof

nice of the Catholic Church..... Science hating Christians still exist, though

great, now right wing Christian dicks have more reason to hate science

he is a dog with a bone when it comes to religion. Just drop it, asshole.

I would have loved to see a non-white actor in this role!