
Will John Barrowman be on board? With me?

Yeah, that would mean that people use common sense on these sites.

Yeah, this smells like a fetish bullshit letter to me. I can see this guy who wrote it fervently fwapping to Donna Reed and hoping to get women on this site all riled up.

For fuck's sake....

It is promising. Now, let's just hope that the good ole boys (e.g. studio execs) don't douche it up with Suckheimer gun, titty, ass-hangin-out demands.

It's a sinking ship that is so tainted by assery that it will never survive. Look at an organization like SFWA where you had some dicktastic stuff happen. Then some guys crying about male rights. Then some other guys saying feminists are baddie badkins. Then SFWA seemed to step up and say, "Okay, there's a problem

This one... a million times. THIS ONE!

So this 99% person must actually come to Jezebel on a regular-enough basis that she/he would know to write an email to "Prudence."

For me, I would have been happy for any of the four winning. This wasn't a year where I yelled and screamed at the judges' decision. God, I'm still angry about Anya. What the fuck? Let me staple-hem some brightly-colored sheets into draped toga dresses and win.

And senate races. Holy shit, if Cory Gardner wins in Colorado, I may as well hand my uterus over to ISIS for all the personhood shit he peddles.

Great hells!

Her makeup is really not flattering, imho. I wonder if she had a skin peel or something that she hasn't quite recovered from. There is just something very "off" with her make-up and I think you hit the nail on the head for a lot of it.

The only spy "Shaw" that matters. Sorry....

I actually liked the Event. Thought it was entertaining.

Yeah, I was going to say.... "good riddance" as long as they treated the refugees well and allowed them to leave unscathed. We'll take all the good folk. Kind of like saying, "Please become your own country, Texas, just let us keep Austin."

I love the holy hell out of this show. I don't even know where to start. Samaritan scares the crap out of me, though.

I'm torn. On one hand, the timing was right in that I don't have to sit through "evil, cold, heartless Dean" anymore. He was just about to wear out his welcome and I was dreading having to go through a half season of that crap.

My only concern is that she felt pressure (from somewhere) to completely change her appearance. And something this drastic is . . . a bit unnerving, and shows a bit of a disconnect with reality. She's going to be the butt of jokes for a long long time (which I imagine will only continue to pick away at her

Every single episode made me uncomfortable. In a really great way.