
can someone make Shondaland like they do Disneyland? Because I'm frackin there, yo.

Agree. These people are one step away from Fred Phelps.

Are these forwards or backwards? Seems odd.

I loved this movie. Dammit. I had no expectations, though. It was a hella good ride, even if you could totally see that one of Gina Davis' stunt doubles was really a dude.

I love this

I'd be okay not having musical numbers all the time. Glee's already been destroyed. Murphy can stop there.

I actually enjoyed the crap out of Lauren in this episode. She has every right to be a hot mess. And she didn't go running to pills or the bottle. I'm sorry, but addict Laurel is worse than any other Laurel.

I swear he did because I remember nearly eye-rolling myself into an epileptic fit.

I'm sorry, but holy shit this is the funniest thing I've read all day. It's like saying, "HEY YOU GUYS! THE WRITERS FROM SESAME STREET ARE DOING THE NEXT MATRIX MOVIE!"


Fuck mommy wars. And fuck the elitist turds out there who think their opinions actually matter to the vast majority. By complaining that others "whine too much," you are, in fact, whining. Eat shit, lady. You can't possibly know each and every circumstance of each and every SAHM mom out there.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Because holy shit. I'd rather read Twilight than the sophomoric piece of shit prose that Terry Goodkind writes.

Not an issue for me. WW's origin isn't the sum of who she is. That said, I get why it might piss some people off. Not only does it make the ultimate douchebag patriarch one source of her power, but, it potentially turns her into a female DC version of Thor.

For those of us who aren't vegan and honestly never seeing themselves becoming vegan, I imagine we can take less severe measures to try and avoid some of this crap.

This guy could have Rob Lowe's gleaming, pretty-boy looks and he would still be the world's biggest douchebag. The thing is, he looks like he's in his 40's or 50's. Don't people outgrow junior high bullying tactics at some point?

Yeah, that's one of my biggest reasons for thinking it's Bonnie's sister—that Jeremy slept with her. Bring on the dramz!

First: damn, I'm happy Alaric is back. Please don't give him some stupid-ass love interest. Give him a cool love interest.

Fuck me..... really?

Good riddance to this dirtbag. Holy shit, what an unprofessional brat. Saying that she disliked a person's designs is one thing, saying that she doesn't respect Char as a designer is completely asstastic. Maybe Char doesn't have the "uber crafting skill," but she has creativity and talent and I really like her…