
This is one of my favorites! I'm so badass I fall off the counter!

I don't have the $50 to do it. :(

Well this is some pretty shit here!

South Park episode has Casa Bonita!

A friend of mine worked at Casa Bonita, where you have indoor cliff diving. One lady asked him what happened when it rained. Did the people get wet? And he told her it was all indoors. She said, "But when it rains? Don't people get wet?"

I would have loved to be here! This sounds awesome.

I cannot fucking stand anime. It makes my soul explode like diarrhea But, some of the costumes I see at cosplay events are truly remarkable.

Oh, I know. It just sends up viewer red flags. I hope it rocks.

Yeah, that's one where *I* think it worked.

I dunno, these contrived "beat the clock" premises always kind of turn me off. It's like the pregnant woman giving birth as the world is ending trope. I suppose it all comes down to how it's executed, and if we'll be told every 10 minutes, "We're running out of air, BRO!" and see people gasping for breath like a

Our team finished up a gov't-funded study of disclosure in online environments. There's a reason Al Qaeda uses MMOs to recruit.

That is fuggin' scary as shit.

Camera Angles.

I'm sure Wonder Woman gives a shit that her feet look like a geisha's. And yeah, I'm thinking you're a troll. I'll stop feeding you now.

Yeah, because we're all asking for flip-flops, motherfucker.

We had the same issue in my house and my husband gets the top sheet all to himself now, because fuck that.

bottom sheet only. Not a top one. Just don't like 'em.

While I love Miss J, what about Nigel? Holy shit that is some man-candy.

Something else that is almost as annoying? Hearing conservatives bitch about gay marriage, then say something like, "But, I have gay friends...."

Fuck the Emmy's for dissing Tatiana Maslany. Assholes. I'm watchin' football, fuckers.