
Yeah, I was a bit like "WTF?"


I think legalization couldn't be any worse than what it is like now. (But who knows?) That said, can you imagine the republican blow-hard politicians literally shitting their pants over this? And how "Regulation" will mean higher health care costs?

After the 2nd or 3rd kid up and died, I was like, "Fuck this shit."

He and Luke and Han will die. And then half the kids.

Yeah, that's a rule that needs to change. Get everyone the Eff out between panels.

Oh honey, it's not just Eastern European. It's in the north, too. Like giant Viking hairs and shit. Thanks Odin.

Thinking Christians would probably be down with exploring it. The rest? Well, shit. If they can get cheap labor from the Andromeda Galaxy instead of China, Hobby Lobby's gonna ride that pony all the way to the fuggin' bank, yo!

I haven't read the book because I couldn't get past the first page. (Tee hee, I'm looking in the mirror!)

Geesh, that sounds like it sucks. You pay what? a Couple hundred dollars to get a badge to get in. You camp out for some Walking Dead panel. Spend 11 hours doing that. Seems like the day is freakin' shot at that point. WTF?

Oh God, I know. And I'm not sure those "cute kitty ears" that will make me look like I'm FUN AND IN COSTUME are worth $35.

I would make tampon ads. "Hey, you get your period and it fucking sucks, right? Put a tampon in and you won't walk around with micro-weave bloody swamp-ass pussy all day. The stuff STAYS THE FUCK INSIDE."

I was at a smaller con. Waiting for the "So, you Want to be a Hunter" Supernatural panel. And I waited for like 4 hours. And the room was big enough for 70 people. And I was SURE I could get in, because I was counting and counting. I was in! But then the bouncer fucks let like big groups cut in ahead of us. The

As a woman, this scares the fuck out of me. Holy shit.

Just out of curiosity, how do people get away with selling trademark/copyrighted images and such on T-shirts and in their artwork? I wondered that last time I went to a convention.

Dear God, those lines. I cannot imagine.

Fuck this shit that's making me choose. I'mma watch both, yo.

Them are some nice pants...

I have never seen the How I met your Mother show. Don't watch sitcoms. But every time he hosts the Tony's or is on a talk show, (or Dr. Horrible) or another bit part, I absolutely love him.

Not the first time he's been a bitter betty over shit like this. He could be a lot more fucking thoughtful.