
Yeah, because we can't have Pope actually grow and change. He has to continue to be exactly the same douche-emperor that we saw in season 1. That gives everyone a hard time, but secretly will help when push comes to shove. I mean, it's like the boy version of the "hooker with a heart of gold" cliche.

I don't even know wtf this show is anymore. Who the hell is writing now?

Great hell! What assholes!

Same here. My child doesn't get up at all unless she's with me (to go see a game if they have a pinball machine or something), or if she needs help in the bathroom. Some people think the world is just DYING to babysit their kids, though. And it's not really about the annoyance. It's a dangerous environment in some

She was my favorite in all the seasons. (I don't watch anymore, because let's face it... it's unwatchable after all the firings and fucking modelopia music video assery that I might have liked if I was 5.)

Holy shit, glad they are dodging a bullet here. I'd hate to see this actor and character slip into oblivion like, oh, let's say . . . John Barrowman. Because, shit, he has like no fanbase at all. And he never has a full room during panels. And the line to get his autograph at every convention isn't like 17 hours

Worked in a popular (and somewhat expensive) fondu place. Had a family that would come in a few times a year with their 5 kids. Two were under the age of three and would toddle all over the place. Waiters and waitresses had to weave and dodge to keep from spilling hot oil and broth on these kids. Finally, a

I actually kind of liked that one (minus the creepy bloaty alien and the faces inside). The premise was interesting.

Really? I like season 2 okay. It has more "goofy" episodes, but this doctor is growing on me. And even though I don't hear a lot about Christopher E's doctor, I really really liked him! And the 2nd one I'm liking too, in a completely different way.

Just started watching Dr. Who recently (am in the middle of season 2). I could not get into it at first, but then it grew on me and I'm pretty hooked now. I know I'm behind, but this trailer makes me excited about more to come.

They need video game fodder, so they'll give him a magical whirring cart to ride through a path flanked by orcs and goblins, where he has to jump over rocks and flee gollum while trying to jump up and grab magical floating coins.

I just don't give anymore shits about musicals anymore. TRANSFORMERS, THE MUSICAL! Is that next? Whoever keeps trying to musicize every fucking thing that comes along . . . just fuck off. I want to be excited about Peter Pan, but I don't have it in me.

God, we're a bunch of assholes now.

I'm sorry, but it all looks coincidental to me.

I remember when I was in 6th grade and the "naughty" thing to do was to go to the public library and grab Judy Blume's "Forever" and go sit in a corner and read the dirty parts with your friends.

Isn't posting this shit kind of like pointing out the obvious? That Fox News sucks balls? I mean..... the sky is blue sometimes. The sun rises in the east. Do we need to report every time some dingbat fucknut at Fox says something stupid? Because, you know . . . it's kind of a given.

lol... flow chart

Just sheer mental exhaustion when you have to make a relationship work and it's not easy. I can't imagine that with like 13 people... I think I would implode.

this is so me. WTF. all that drama. If you can avoid it, here's a cookie, but fuck. Most people. No.