
The thing is, there is no way in Mary-Fuck hell that any of these hunters will change their minds about what they're doing. Ever. Especially if they're posting pictures of their sweet babygirl cheerleader over a dead leopard. If anything, our unimpressive internet outrage will make her and her ilk dig in harder and

People are utter assholes about this shit. 80% of the conservative right still thinks that you can walk in with a food assistance card and load up on liquor. Unless there is a racket going on, no, you can't do this, assfucks.

Women are treated as though they are "hysterical" and "silly" all the time in the doctor office. Took 5 years for a gynecologist to figure out that my body simply cannot handle estrogen-only pills, that it causes a severe inflammatory reaction that swells my larger intestine so big that nothing can pass through.

It's not about direct cause. It's about how it can potentially impact a woman. How a woman can react to certain hormonal changes. Other women? No issue, I'm sure. Some? Oh hell yes.

The pill can change hormones to make women more hungry and also to lessen that internal "moderation" that we all have when we are full. While the actual pill itself doesn't automatically make you put on weight, it fucks with your body enough that you are far more likely to gain it.

Can we just have a Kenzi thread about her hair?

Crazy Eyes!

Cue in conservative chorus that calls people "oversensitive whiny pukes" (while on their way to pick up the KKK clans-robe dry cleaning).

It really kind of sucks. I wonder how many parents (who are paying for their kid's college) realize that 90% of the classes are being taught by GTAs or overworked adjuncts who live just at the poverty line and are batshit crazy overwhelmed.

I just watched this last night. And I chuckled at that line. (Weeiiirrrdd!)

I'll get a Ph.D. in another year or so, but I could give or take academia. I'm actually focusing my dissertation and research on something that will make me marketable to corporation or government research. If I get a full time position at a university? Great! If I get a position elsewhere? Great! I'd be cool

Creepy cults always seem to fail on television. I have no idea why. When I saw that Falling Skies was going this route, my spidey senses tingled and I figured the show had pretty much given up.

Don't forget meeee!

I love how the super sciency woman is just as annoying as the religious diner lady. And how they (and Lourdes from Falling Skies) need to crawl in a hole and die.

Hahaha. :D

Maybe I like being poked in the EYE! DO IT!

If these companies were more transparent from the get-go, I'd be more inclined to believe their studies. It's the Monsanto thing. GMOs could be perfectly safe for you, but because of their dubious business practices and bullshit legal crap, nobody trusts them. Even if all of their research is 100% spot on.

I want to feel secure in these tests. I'd definitely be open to joint efforts!

Yeah, I get that too! I hope you're okay where you are. :)

We started getting them in Weld county. After the fracking came. Been in Colorado for 40 years and never heard of earthquakes in that part of the state. See that empty spot in the north east on this "Colorado earthquake history map?" Them there's where Weld County is.