
Nicky is awesome, but I have to ask, where the fuck was Sophia all season? What happened there?

This is what I am hoping.

Yeah, good luck with that. Maybe some of the characters from Sucker Punch can join. Since, you know, those are "strong awesome" characters and shit.

So, you think there is guy resting bitch face? Hmmmm, may be onto something. Who else (guys) besides this bloke has it?

Saw it today. Took my 6-year-old who loved (loved LOVED) it. I might have cried, too. And laughed. And cheered. :)

This was such bullshit, imho. Way to break 7-year-old-me's heart, Lucas.

Dude, you need to make this a meme. :D

Most of the inconsistencies in the show don't bother me, but this one does. The idea of the reapers being (as you say) "something apart," makes them far more interesting, imho. It seemed like a demotion to me, to reduce them to a subset of angels.

Great hells...

Great fuck this was an awesome episode. Just because we didn't have quick Lucas-esque cuts to Cersei Lannister giggling in the bathtub every time a giant stormed the wall doesn't mean that women weren't all OVER THIS SHIT.

My belief is that those who rally so hard against this are closet homosexuals themselves. And hey, if they can prove that you can be un-gayed, then there's hope for them as well. Probably sucks to live with that kind of shame.

Because female Dr. Who fans want a fucking prince so goddamned bad.

Have you read the book? (Just wondering.) Because when I see "rapture," I'm turned way way off. After what you said, though, I'm more interested.

Nice catch.

That's unfortunate. I think we needed to see some of that, unless they plan on just giving rulership over to Yara in the series.

Yeah, Bran being able to look back opens up all kinds of doors for flashbacks :D

Could the 12-year-old brown haired girl be the "fake Arya?"

Even though I struggled (as a reader) getting engaged in the Iron stuff in the books, I'm very curious why we haven't at the very least met Victarion.

Doesn't even phase me. It might mean that the next book comes out sooner because it's shortened. That's fine. It means more to read. That's fine. More to look forward to. Even better.

Yeah "polishing his spear." mmmm hmmmmmmm