
Oh my dear lord....


Is there a reason they're desperate to prove that a massive flood occurred? It's not like there is a flood story of some kind of most major mythologies. And hasn't science already approached this? Didn't we see possible flooding around the Sphinx and in other areas?

And when you only use evidence that supports that conclusion....

So, they hire emo fucks who show up to shows, play for 5 minutes and leave in Vegas now?

Mine is

Put a NSFW warning on that shit because I almost blew soda out my nose (laughing) yo!

I know, right? Fuck...

I just don't think I can do it. 3.0 then 3.5 and then... and then....

While I agree that it's best to be up front about wanting a relationship change, it's something else to pressure a woman you claim to have feelings for, making her sob all night, then being hunky dory with her saying "yes" ONLY after you threaten to leave her.

Hateful witchery.

I'm thinking he and Bonnie will go to another dimension or realm or whatever-the-fuck. I think the only thing that's bothersome is that Bonnie pretty much dies or almost dies or has to "tell the truth and say goodbye" every single season. I guess they can just keep reusing some of that dialogue for Kat G.

As I posted on another thread, I'm just so over the creepy, chanting cults. I've never seen it done well. Ever.

The only thing I'm dreading is that it will take ALL FUCKING SEASON NEXT YEAR for Nick to get his powers back. Because they will drag that shit out longer than Juliet and the captain's love potion shit.

I love people.

These outlier cases will always make the news: either a case of severe bullying as shown in this post, or, a kid getting suspended because he took a bite out of his sandwich and it ended up looking like a gun and he "pew pew'ed!" his pals across the table.

I'll never forgive them for what they did to Mama Derevko. WTF? Lena Olin should have whooped someone's ass.

And dammit I loved it all. Fuckers.

Rewatched the animated version after, what, 30 years? God, it sucked. Let's waste 30 minutes following the antics of the cat chasing the mice and some shit.