
Yeah, the fan-servicing Ollie/Felicity moment was just cruel. Bad CW!

I think I've watched this 10 times already this morning. I wish DC movie execs would take even small cues from what CW has done with DC television. Smallville had its issues, yes, but it broke some ground. Arrow is strong. I feel that the Flash is going to continue that positive course.

Hellz yeah there is!

You know you're a writer when you read over the "official description" of the show and suddenly find yourself opening up that query letter you've put on hold for much too long. I like the description.

Getting a conference paper ready that looks at the "Let's Play" phenom., specifically Simon and Lewis. We'll see what comes of it all.

O snap. I didn't even realize he was on "24." It's been too long since I've seen that! I love him!

I laugh so hard I almost pee. Holy shit. Thank you God for Silicon Valley.

I'm so sorry for what you experienced. :(

Your name makes me LOL so hard that I almost want to pee.

Many worlds, many timelines! Ohh yeah....

wuuut? =O

It is gotten. And a bagel has been toasted... and the world is right.

From the article.... (which I used as a jumping off point).

I made the puke noise to people who say, "Omg, Mother's day is LAME. It's mother's day EVERY DAY... because consumerism."

I get that too sometimes. And social media offers that platform. It's kind of the price you pay for being on FB sometimes, haha. :D

Yes to all of this. :) I'm off to the grocery store. In the snow (because Colorado, WTF?) for Nutella.

Like I said, I lost my mother in March. This Mother's Day is full of epic suck. And epic awesomeness. It stings a little to see others on Facebook posting pics of them and "good ole mom," but you know what? They deserve to celebrate the shit out of this day. And so do I—in my own schizophrenic, "Why mom, did you

I have no issue with that, but the people who think that we all need to be reminded of their uber-edgy "take" on Mother's Day and have it crammed down our throats? Yeah, dick-burgers. All of them.

A few things...

I'm sorry, but every time I hear someone talk about how Mother's day is a manufactured piece of shit Hallmark holiday and OH MY GOD THEY WILL NOT BE A PART OF THAT, MOTHERFUCKERS....