
I am with you. I think Fassbender really made this movie for me. I love that he can take on these dark roles (Shame, 12 Years a Slave) and also have a love for genre films: X-Men and Prometheus.

omg :(

Andrew Bissette hates kittens. That's pretty much the same damn thing.

It's so easy to mock a woman for making terrible camera choices. The smirky duck-face. The "crazy pussy" look.

If I have to go to one more "girl-centric" place that only serves "tapas," I think I'm going to barf up some eggplant hummus.


I'm invited, 2, rite?

For me, it's about logistics. Can you fight in it? Is it reasonable? Sensible? Does it hinder your movements or free them? If I get a whiff of justification as to why a character dresses a certain way (and it makes sense), I'm good with it.

I don't know, it didn't bother me that they didn't kill Crowley. It felt right in a moment that was heavy with "enough already." (killing)

I agree. Mythic studies, people.

Fuck yes.

I was in the 70's. My daughter (born in 2007) was as well.

Probably. :)

I missed the first episodes. Worth catching? Or is this entering into Secret Circle territory (which wasn't an awful show but had a grossly miscast lead). At least we got Faye as werewolf girl in The Originals. Best thing to come out of that loss.

It's on Fox. That pretty much means I wait until they get through season 2 (and get a pick-up for season 3) before I watch it. Unless they've magically fired all of the studio dickburgers who meddle too much in a show's schedule.

I don't mind the school stories (I actually watch Vampire Diaries), but that is a whole different experience to me. One is fluff, the other is ass-kicking: something I can really sink my teeth into. Different shows fill different needs for me. Supernatural is one of those programs that I watch first whenever it pops

God, I'm still pissed about Firefly.

Is this the same as, "I watched that show before EVERYONE ELSE, and I'm more cool because of it" type deals? Because those people can be gigantic douche monkeys about that shit.

The simple answer is that it's on the CW. Uneducated men don't consider that a CW show can exist without teen love triangles and weekly high school dances. The channel in general is female-centric. Arrow might be drawing in more male audiences, but honestly? It's only the hardcore genre guys in my world (and men

But you know she could totally own it with a shotgun, right?