
It's really messed up when you are hoping that his "wedding night" consisted of the high tech version of a turkey baster and some stirrups. Not that it's much better, but maybe a little.


When it's on, it's so freakin' on! Love this show.

#1—that shit's not okay. If I could record this woman, I would. (Depends on the state on laws there. Where I am, recording a conversation is okay as long as ONE person knows.) Tell your "friends" that while this mom might be laughing it up with the good ole boys in the conference room without you, she's still

It's amazing to me how even my science-minded conservative friends (people who have the genius enough to work for multi-million government-funded research projects) still argue about this. You can present the evidence to them and they will shrug and completely dismiss it. All of it.

Yeah, Penny is kind of... I don't even know...

Hmmmm, Bachmann and Palin have some competition!

Yes, please give Detective (er.. officer) Lance a romantic interest. I swoon every time I see him on the screen.

I hate it when the trailer takes the wind out of all the good parts. Can you imagine if they had included the Hulk/Loki part from the Avengers in every trailer?

Isn't that Russell Crowe's band? (Oh wait, no... but I wonder about his two grunts and a wiggle now)

Well, I never....

Yeah, unless there is something wrong physically, what the fuck? Learn how to keep from cumming after two grunts and a wiggle. FFS.

Two-stroke wonder, meet three-pump chump.

Hooooold me closer, tiny haaaamster....

Because royalty in France back then didn't wear strapless ball gowns? (grin)

My only issue is that Alec prime sure turned dark. Fast. It felt just a wee bit quick for me.

Gotcha. That makes a difference (in my mind).

I had mixed feelings as well, but am a sucker for cubs. Were this 100 years ago, it would simply have followed the "Circle of life" (not to sound too corny). Also, I'd be curious to know if this happened out in the free range, or, on a conservation of some kind?

Salt Lake City has a badass airport! There is a place in there with artichoke spinach dip that makes me want to pee myself.

Reign turned out to be the biggest bag of suck. WTF? I wanted trashy greatness, too. It's like reading Danielle Steele fanfic set in France. Shit, no, I take it back. It's not good enough to be Danielle Steele fanfic.