
LOL, yeah! But even then.... it beats most of DC out of the water for sure. It's really nitpicky on my part. I've heard the 2nd CA is badass. Still need to see it.

I should amend. Of the original films (Thor, Iron Man) I felt it was the weakest. Iron Man 2 (and 3) weren't as good as Captain America. And even then? It far outshines Man of Steel and the final Dark Knight film. FAR. So, me saying it was the weakest, is like saying, "Yeah, that dude got a bronze medal at the

Today, so many series set themselves up for the MEGA NEVER-BETTER SUPER FINALE WITH SPARKLES and OMG MOMENTS ForeevvaaaaaaHHHhhhhh. And then they all fall flat on their faces. And people say, "God, that sucked so freakin' bad."

Captain America. Though I felt like that franchise was the weakest of the Avengers (the 2nd one markedly better than the 1st, though), Marvel universe films have more heart, more character development.

She would be a VAL to be reckoned with, wouldn't she? (Val is already badass, but this would be epic.)

Heck yeah, she has three husbands.

Let's just make a new role for her. JUST FOR HER. Like, badass wildling archer riding a gigantic mammoth and she destroys everything in her path.

(vomit noise)

I worked in the kitchen at a huge restaurant in high school. 300 people worked there in the off season, 500 during the summer. Most were my age (high school) or in their early 20's.

The version I saw was done in Britain. There was one woman in particular who refused to believe that "race" and "skin color" was any different than her husband being a rugby player or some bullshit.

1. I have no idea who this woman is.

So, how many people order HBO the day Game of Thrones begins? Then drops it after the series finale?

Douchelords, meet thy king.

Fuck 'em in the pee-hole. Seriously. There's a whole fuggin' assload of series for them on History, Nat Geo and whatnot. Mythology. Philosophy. Even Biblical research.

This was as close as I could get....


Because, all women fuckin' talk about "babies or clothes or makeup or dating or diets or weddings." Great fuck.

Bryan Cranston in Babylon 5, but only because I didn't start watching until the DVDs came out. I was like, "What is Malcolm's father doing in this show! HOLY SHIT!"