I hope the other, more trustworthy candidate wins. Wait...
I hope the other, more trustworthy candidate wins. Wait...
I get it because the guy’s got problems but damn, that quote from his dad is cold as hell.
This is my favorite Deadspin story of the week.
Yes I understand, that somewhat explains how and why it occurred. However, it appears there is a lack of effort once it’s clear that Iceland has possession. Austria was kind of like “eh, fuck getting back and playing defense.”
This is an incredibly stupid play from Austria.
By the way, I sometimes referee elementary school soccer games (SO MUCH POWER), and we deliberately avoid keeping score, because everyone is supposed to have fun, etc.
The girls are all white girls...
America wants me to treat women like individuals.
2007 Fiesta Bowl - Boise State beats Oklahoma. I didn’t even know where the hell Boise State was from or who their players were. I just about cried when they ran the Statue of Liberty on a 2-pt conversion to win. I may never feel that much emotion again for a relatively pointless game to me.
A normal looking, normal sized white guy plays extremely well within the confines of his genetics and pre-disposed lack of ability to jump high or run fast.
fuck san francisco and fuck you
Howard is a gigantic tool and potentially the least introspective person alive.
Super Mario Kart > Any Other Mario Kart Version
I believe he was 20 at the time.
haha this is so true. The UFC fans have no clue that McGregor is pulling sports fans like myself into a sport that I have never once thought of actually patronizing. McGregor is bigger than the UFC, period. The UFC is making terrible moves in the eyes of me and thousands of other casual fans who really just want to…
She’s right. The White Man killed her brother. White people out here killin everybody. Down with the White Man.
I got off Facebook as soon as they did away with requiring a .edu email. That was the end of the fun for the kids. Now my Grandma posts on that site.
Wait this is ranked worst to best? So NYC was voted worst?