Yeah, and I'm pretty sure Anna was more akin to a guest star this season. Really weird.
Yeah, and I'm pretty sure Anna was more akin to a guest star this season. Really weird.
Did Anna Chlumsky have more than three lines this season? Are any of the SNL ladies anywhere near as talented as Aubrey Plaza or Donna Lynne Champlin?Barb????
They only took the time to make two original ones, like, if you're going to do a musical episode try and go all in.
I saw it once and never saw the third. I remember liking 2 Fast 2 Furious more just because the villain was weirdly effective.
My vision in general never includes Jared Leto.
They'd know how good Playing House has been this season (particularly episodes 4 and 5) if they still REVIEWED THE SHOW.
Could all the episodes be Coco centric this time around?
I don't get the need to fill in every gap - I heard someone recently say that we need a Luke Skywalker movie set between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens, but I assume The Last Jedi is going to give us enough to draw our own conclusions? If they keep pumping out half decent cash grabs, it's gonna get old real…
I thought most of the action was good! And that last Darth Vader scene was brilliant. But the characters were thin and the story didn't need to be told.
Eh, I thought it was fine. I slept through most of the middle though, so I only saw the interesting parts.
There's a lot more to get out than "White people, amirite?", it actually embodies the fear of many in America, showcasing it in a much more violent, grotesque way. With every detail falling into place - the silver spoon, the cotton in the chair, much more that I can't remember off the top of my head - it does a good…
But definitely not as good.
That's good to know! Because I was really excited about everything I heard about it, but I tried to watch it and wasn't all that into it. I'll give it another shot!
Oh, and Gilda too.
Strangers on a Train has some blatantly gay tension.
Which renders it shit?
I had to watch Secret Life of Pets a couple of months ago and her voice was the only redeeming factor.
His ranking is actually pretty sound.
I won't be seeing it, but Jenny Slate is easily the best thing to happen to voice acting since… Well, ever.
See, RJ Cyler's characrer was really fun for the parts I saw but everyone else just fell into: Dumb jock, hot girl who takes off her clothes for no apparent reason, the "cool" guy, and the "weird" girl. But if they actually manage to flesh them out, that's pretty impressive.