eggsy unwin

Is AV Club gonna fix this pending bullshit?

It does come across as a reach for sure, but the fact of the matter is that Taylor has been purposefully releasing stuff on specific, catty dates for a while now and given her whole catchphrase for the album is ‘reclaiming the narrative’ and the song has references to Kanye, I don’t think it’s too out of the ream of

I'm glad to see that Ryan Murphy has literally taken the template of about 500 different lifetime movies, stuck Trump and evil clowns inside of it, and called it his own.

I actually like this movie and I tend to hate anything Snyder gets his hands on. His usually overkill with style and underkill with characters and plot works a lot better with a horror movie than it does with, say, a comic book movie or a movie about a CGI world full of women in lingerie.

I was the same way. Rita was always a good actress - not even just a good teen show actress, she was a really good actress. Really? I looove Bailey, her and Rita really elevated some so and so material over the course of that show. Gregg Sulkin got better in the last season too, but Michael J Willet and Katie Stevens

This show is consistently getting shit on every week, yet The AV Club won't bring their resources to something more interesting like The Sinner or Room 104.

i guess some people don't like comedy.

Okay, phew. This show has been on my radar since I heard good things about the premiere, but Karma has to be one of my least favorite fictional characters of all time. Which was sad, because I think Amy is one of the best teen show characters of all time. Where's Rita Volk? Give her a show!

I really liked MTV's Faking It, but Katie Stevens always irritated me. I wanna watch TBT, but will she just make me cringe half the time again?

Portland's a hot bed of more subliminal white supremacy, to be fair. They've branded themselves as a liberal city but the WS activity has always been high there, it just isn't out in the open.

Stacey Dash isn't just a republican, though. She's one of the soul sucking Ann Coulter types.

I live in one of the most liberal states in the country and half my uber drivers have had confederate flag bumper stickers.

This show should only exist when you can drive within a five mile radius anywhere in America without seeing a confederate flag.

That's what I mean - though I'd love a full revival, there needs to be SOMETHING.

I was either nine or ten when the show came out - I had just finished watching an episode of Goosebumps when I walked in on my family watching the pilot. It was either the genuine pleasantness of the show or my repressed attraction to Lee Pace, but I was hooked.

While I do think an Asian actor would have been a better fit, I could've settled for someone that could at least act. You've got a whole slew of Game of Thrones alum at your hands and you picked the guy who's only purpose seemed to be helping me realize I was gay in high school. Then you cover him in dirt and a ratty

Can confirm this as false - just finished a rewatch and Kristen Chenoweth can still make comedy gold out of so much as a sound.

Especially with how the actors have aged - that isn't a dig on them, they've just gotten older - and it would be a shame to miss out on everything that happened involving Chuck and her family between then and now.

I think my issue is Finn Jones, really. With other shows' mediocre first seasons, like Agents of SHIELD, at least Chloe Bennet and Clark Gregg were charming actors. It just baffles me - every single other Netflix MCU casting choice has been so spot-on, it makes this exception more blaring.

I'm sure Hannibal is great and all, but it's always pissed me off that for the past eight years, all we've gotten for Pushing Daisies is the occasional "oh haha maybe!" whereas every five seconds I hear how desperate they are to bring this show back. Pushing Daisies was the first adult show I watched as a child and