I have to go see this movie for my film and literature class - someone tell me that it's at least tolerable.
I have to go see this movie for my film and literature class - someone tell me that it's at least tolerable.
That phrase is honestly applicable anytime Madchen is on screen in anything.
Whenever the girls aren't on screen, I completely zone out. I couldn't tell you what any of them are up to - just that it's insanely boring.
Sexual misconduct is the hardest crime to find proof for, unless there's a witness, so with that logic, until everyone starts wearing body cams at all times we should just stop making sexual assault a crime, since without any proof, despite the fact that 2% of claims are false, there's no real way to confirm it.
Then how will it be resolved if attention isn't brough to it? Should someone accused of sexual misconduct (I'll use that word, since I don't believe harassment fully covers it and you don't believe assault does) be nominated for a movie? Isn't that what got America into the shit storm that its currently involved in? I…
I'm aware Hollywood isn't a single individual, but a broad label used in order to not name every single individual involved. The legal system doesn't make decisions on how people feel - nor do they make decisions that benefit sexual assault victims. There's a reason why so many cases go unreported - because people…
It's the same idea - a man, in Hollywood, continuing to get jobs and recognition after beating a women, vs after sexually harassing one? The crimes are wildly different, but the subject is cut from the same cloth.
Being a creep is staring at someone too long, what Casey allegedly did was sexual harrasment and, at some points, sexual assault. The fact of the matter is, sexual assault false accusations are roughly 2% of all accusations - which makes it pretty hard to ignore. Could he be the 2%? Absolutely, but that doesn't mean…
Not at all, but I enjoy them anyway.
I'm going to be so disappointed when Aubrey Plaza inevitably isn't nominated for an Emmy.
annnnnd your host: MA'AM FOR A DOLLAR
"This is my friend, Twisty. He's amazing and HE DROVE ME HERE."
I've only watched season 1 - it's not great, but its entertaining enough.
ah ya don't worry about upsetting me, i'm not too easily upset, i just deleted the comments because i'd rather not wake up to find people a little less kind w their words leaving comments all over the place like i have in the past, its just a shitstorm i'd rather avoid
opressed people should not fight back? yikes….. yikesyikesyikes i had a response written but theres no real way to reply to a comment that detestable so i will wish u a good day and refrain from commenting on this thread again as i already deleted the rest of my comments bc whether slave owners should be sympathized…
I haven't watched Legends of Tomorrow season 2, though that sounds about right to me.
It actually makes me pretty sad how lazy it can get, especially since dashes of brilliance show up every so often.
Another issue I have is that comic book Mon-El left Daxam by his own choice - which would have made for a character with heroic traits already, only for Kara to help him grow (and form a relationship, potentially).
I don't watch Arrow anymore, so I'd be thrilled to watch her in anotjer context.
Oh, my bad - I've gotten a few rude comments, so I suppose I was on edge. I agree with that, but I also think the show should have waited a little longer to make him a romantic interest.