I would love if she was in it - I adore Thea.
I would love if she was in it - I adore Thea.
I don't think not enjoying the fact that the writers made the main romantic love interest a former slave owner puts me on a pedestal, but to each their own.
That's what I've been thinking/hoping for as well, but I heard Thea is leaving Arrow?
But even then, I wouldn't want said slave owners in a relationship with a heroic woman? Especially if he obtained said relationship through lies? and didn't stop his slavery by his own actions, but because he could no longer do so on Earth and found a girl cute.
I'm well aware that this isn't a documentary, but works of fiction can have disturbing implications??? Not everyone can set aside their morals just because a group of scriptwriters expect them to, buddy.
I can just imagine Sara rolling her eyes at everything he says and Mick grumbling.
Exactly. Comic book Mon-El left Daxam on his own accord, this Mon-El would still be in the same place had his planet not gotten destroyed.
Ah yes, having an issue with someone owning slaves is very eye roll worthy.
I feel like Legends of Tomorrow would suit Mon-El better. Chris Wood deserves a place on the CW superhero roster, he's incredibly talented, but he doesn't belong as a heroic lead, at least not in the Supergirl sense.
Too bad Lili and Cole literally have zero chemistry.
I just read that she was also Wendy on Jessica Jones, a character who I endlessly sympathized with.
I've never seen the actress who played that therapist before, but Jesus, was she the standout of the episode for me.
Not to mention Barry and Iris have a three season history, being one of the only consistent things in the entirety of the series. Mon-El and Kara met something like fourteen episodes ago? And though the show claims it's spanned over nine months, I'm calling bullshit.
Yep, that was shitty. They keep comparing Westallen to Kara/Mon-El and it's killing me.
Shelly Johnson is the most severely underrated Twin Peaks character and I'm so excited to see her again.
There's also that segment of liberals that are like "I support gay rights, so I can make jokes about gay people!"
I think it all chalks down to the people involved, honestly, because while Jonah Hill's got that little homophobic streak to him, Channing Tatum seems like a nice guy and Phil Lord and Chris Miller seem more dedicated to actual comedy than to resort to cheap homophobic/sexist/racist jokes.
I hope they start cross genre-ing soon, I'd really love to see a classic hollywood musical reboot of The Facts of Life.
He's just trying to pass time in between Daredevil seasons.
That has to be it too.