Noetic Hatter

Eh, I took it has humor.

I was so uncomfortable with that moment, which was the point of course. Their relationship is dangerous.

think trying to twist Punisher's backstory is a ridiculous suggestion. The Punisher is one of the trope-setters for this particular trope, and the idea that they should have to change it is ridiculous.

That Rucka series was fantastic, with Punisher as Batman-esque boogeyman/urban legend. And then with Lady Punisher.

Is it just me, or is Frank pretty damned easy to find by anyone who wants to find him? Matt found his apartment pretty quickly, and so did Vincent Van Gogh.

Plus, it looked like the van was full of Men in Black. Not the type to just let her slip out the back door.

Wasn't the name "Jessica Jones" also mentioned, or is that in the next episode?

I was very uncomfortable with his evil gangster. The Vincent episode always makes me cry.

This is possibly the greatest comment I have ever seen on AVClub.

As long as it keeps her on my screen a lot in those tight dresses and skirts, I'll allow it.

For some Punishers, the world is not enough.

So that rooftop scene comes right out of Ennis's WELCOME BACK FRANK classic series, doesn't it? They changed who Castle is going to kill, but otherwise it's pretty much the same. And I really dug it.

What a joy when she appears on screen, though.

My only "complaint" - and it's not much - is that his accent seems to shift from New York to Southern pretty regularly. Or maybe that's just me.

Great, great scene. Bullets and rain all around them as they fight on the rooftop.

I love the idea of Punisher being this mysterious character that's got everyone terrified. It's very Batman - but, you know, with guns. A boogeyman story or an urban legend. Rucka wrote him that way a few years ago, and I really enjoyed it.

Although didn't Kingpin blow up half of HK last season in order to destroy the Russians and allow himself to rebuild the properties? That's what I was thinking.

Well said! She's a giver, that Elizabeth.

I am watching Pee-Wee as I read through these comments. Daredevil is for this evening, when I can properly curl up on the couch and enjoy it.

That bit where she dropped the car on the dude's head? That was some cold blooded shit right there.